Custom Features via Bespoke Code

JKConditioning has been operating their own website for several years, sharing valuable content to existing and prospective members. Over time their site slowed down and would take longer to maintain. Instead of taking time away from serving their members, they decided it was time for a custom website that worked for them instead of against them.

JKConditioning Goes Custom

Clear & Concise Pricing

One of the challenges with the old website was locating pricing information for JKConditioning’s training and coaching services. While including this info on each service page, we also boiled down the pricing information and developed a consistent way to display it on a dedicated pricing page.

JKConditioning Goes Custom

Published in hundreds of magazines.

Jon-Erik Kawamoto, the founder of JKConditioning, has been featured, published, and referenced in hundreds of fitness and running magazines. This is a great way to show his credibility so we built a custom searchable directory that can be filtered by publication and category.

JKConditioning Goes Custom

Dynamic Blog Posts & Coach Bios

The whole team at JKConditioning regularly contribute to the blog, providing great tips, tricks, and techniques to both their members and the general public. It’s a great resource and they spent a lot of time setting up each article. To help provide consistency and ease their workload, we set them up with some dynamic functionality to automatically associate related blog posts and recent publications to their bios and blog posts to keep their viewers engaged and moving through the website.

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Jon-Erik Kawamoto Portrait

When I first started as a personal trainer, like many, I started a blog. It was free, easy to set up and actually fun to learn how to use different templates to create my own website. Over time, instead of just using the website to share information, I needed a website that was comprehensive enough to advertise and describe my services/business. I upgraded from a free blog to a WordPress site that I still mainly managed. I learned some HTML and downloaded several plugins to customize my site. The website was definitely better, but over time, the plugins would fail randomly and the site became outdated.

I was tired of looking after the site on my own and believed it was time to get some professional help. My tech friend recommended Steve. We had a digital meeting and I described my issues and frustration. He came up with a plan that would solve my problems but went above and beyond and created a fully comprehensive, customized, and “snazzy” website (see what I did there?!) that I love! My clients love it and new clients find it easy to navigate when scrolling through our services, bios, published articles and client testimonials. Steve is really easy to work with and quick to help if you need assistance. I still update my new website from time to time, which I enjoy, but Steve is the man behind the curtain. Thanks for all your creativity, attention to detail and professionalism during this project Steve.

I highly recommend his services to anyone looking to take their website to the next level.

Written August 17, 2021, 4 months after project launch.